オールイングリッシュのDVDです。Leapfrog 10-Dvd Mega Pack [Import]・リープ・フロッグDVD10枚セット・数や図形、フォニックス、文の読み方などをテーマにした英語の教育アニメーションです。※リージョンフリーのプレイヤーでないと見れません!ご注意下さい!【セット内容】①Talking Words Factory (The alphabet / Phonics skills / Word building②Learn to Read at the Storybook Factory (Story structure / Comprehension / Reading skills③Math Adventure to the Moon (Counting / Sorting / Patterns④Lets Go to School (Phonics skills / Counting / Animals⑤Letter Factory_Counting on Lemonade (Counting to 20 / Addition / Subtraction⑥Letter Factory_the Letter Machine Rescue Team (Consonant Blends / Adjectives / Problem Solving⑦Math Circus (Number recognition / Counting / Addition and subtraction⑧Scout & Friends Adventures in Shapeville Park(Shapes / Size comparison / Measurement⑨Scout & Friends the Macnificent Museum of Opposite Words ⑩Scout & Friends Phonics Farm